And the Winners Are…

Jury Prize Winner by Doug McMillin.

The recent Here’s Looking at You juried art exhibition in the ArtSpring gallery featured an array of work by Salt Spring artists that explored the concept of the “self”. For two weeks this wonderfully eclectic and fascinating range of art was on display for the public to view.

We’re excited to announce that the winner of the Jury Prize was Doug McMillin. The jury said the following about his work:

“The artist has set up a complicated tableau. He invokes Vermeer’s light and architectural containment while probing the endless mirroring potential of the photographic apparatus. His outward gaze, toward us, a companion or accomplice, another mirror or window, enhances all in a techno-social network of place, self, and speculation.”

Viewers' Choice Award Winner by Jen Holmes

Viewers’ Choice Award Winner by Jen Holmes

The Viewers’ Choice award went to Jen Holmes.  The two viewers whose written responses won $100 each were Louise Goodman and John Moore.

Congratulations to the prizewinners and thank you to all who supported the exhibit!

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