Salt Spring Film Festival presents FAIRY CREEK

ArtSpring - Theatre 100 Jackson Avenue, Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada

Return to the tumultuous frontlines of the recent Fairy Creek blockades, where thousands of activists – including many from Salt Spring! – bravely put their bodies on the line in a last-ditch effort to save Vancouver Island’s pristine Ada’itsx Valley in the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history, resulting in over 1200 arrests. […]

ANNUAL DONATION APPEAL Extended to February 28

ArtSpring - Theatre 100 Jackson Avenue, Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada

To off-set the impact of the postal strike, the Government of Canada has extended the window for giving while still being eligible for a 2024 Tax Receipt. If you wish to donate to ArtSpring's Annual Appeal or top up your donation to receive a new category of engagement benefits, now is the time! How can […]