ArtSpring newsletter March 29, 2021
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Dear Friends,
This past Wednesday I and 245 of my closest colleagues participated in a call with the Honourable Steven Guilbeault – Minister of Canadian Heritage. It was clear from the call that his office and the federal government understand at least some challenges in this industry, being the first to close and likely the last to reopen. The ongoing federal support through Canadian Heritage, Canada Council for the Arts, CEWS, etc. are so important to the survival of the performing arts industry. Minister Guilbeault underlined that he works for us. I am heartened by that statement. We in the arts industry are standing by, waiting for the day we can welcome you back to in-person live arts. Because really, is there any other way to experience art?
The BC Provincial Health Order of November 19 requiring event cancellations continues until further notice. We hope for some loosening of restrictions by June. Fortunately ArtSpring’s Makana Youth Choir is able to continue under the current order.
As the Province’s vaccine program continues to roll out, here’s is a list of BC Covid-19 Immunization clinics.
With thanks,
Cicela Månsson
Executive & Artistic Director, ArtSpring
At ArtSpring
Makana Youth Choir
The Makana Youth Choir directed by Caroni Young continues. The new session started on February 5. Thank you so much to this season’s sponsors of the program: Joan Farlinger, Galleons Lap Photography, The Lost Chords, and Viva Chorale. More>
Interesting Links
CAPACOA – Connections project
The Canadian Association for the Performing Arts (CAPACOA) is the national leader of Canada’s touring and presenting communities. Since its founding in 1985, CAPACOA has fostered and developed a pan-Canadian network for presenters, presenting networks, artist managers/agents and performing arts administrators.
CAPACOA decided to take action early on in the lockdown. It launched an International Market Development pilot project, Connections, to bring international arts practitioners together virtually to provide artists and presenters empathetic spaces for sharing their lockdown experiences, to exchange ideas, and to develop new contacts and networks. The aim was to give both artists and presenters hope for a future global reset and to position them to be market-ready for a post lockdown recovery.
Through this project Canadians came together with their counterparts from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Scotland, and Taiwan. The artists ranged from across the art forms, representing a multi-disciplinary breadth of work from all provinces and territories across Canada and around the globe.
As a culmination to the project, CAPACOA asked each of the artists and a selection of the presenters to produce a 3-minute video to share their practice, inspiration, vision, lockdown activities, and hopes for future international exchange. This is the first of eight videos which will become available between March 25 and May 13, 2021. More>
Howard Fry – photographer
On March 23 the Vancouver Sun published a wonderful article on the Vancouver street photography of Salt Spring resident and photographer Howard Fry. I’ve always found his photography to be engaging. I’ve had the good fortune to be one of his subjects and can personally say he makes it easy to look good. While the Vancouver Sun article was about his street photography, he is better known for fashion and portrait work. His Instagram link features several Salt Springers (@howardfryphoto).
This month is, I think, the 20th anniversary of the Salt Spring Preserve and Protect calendar which features Howard Fry’s photography. More>
Why Shakespeare Could Never Have Been French
Shakespeare sounds a certain way. Why? And why could it only work in English? To add a little lightness to your life, a five minute video on why the limerick and iambic pentameter forms do not work in the French language.
The Pandemic Limerick Project book
Available through ArtSpring and at Salt Spring Books. More>
ArtSpring Presents 2020-2021
It continues to be a wild ride, and we are looking forward to seeing you back at ArtSpring.
Please see the complete season listing.