Calling all Green Thumbs to ArtSpring
The time has come to beautify the ArtSpring grounds and we’re looking for volunteers on August 10th and 14th to come and work with Kevin, our new Building & Grounds Maintenance person, on a garden/landscaping project. ArtSpring relies on volunteers and we appreciate your help greatly with this project. Here are the details:
When: Monday, Aug. 10th & Friday, Aug. 14th from 9:00am to 4:00pm daily
Where: ArtSpring outside areas/gardens
Who: Anyone who is physically able to work outside doing gardening and grounds maintenance and enjoys “getting their hands dirty”.
What to bring: Fan rakes, three pronged rakes with long handles, spades, hoes, leaf blower, cutting tools, and any other garden tools you like using.
RSVP: Please email Taryn Hancock at or call (250) 537-2125 for more information.