Bobcaygeon Tree Line
Tuesdays-Fridays, November 2-30 | 10am-2pm | and before all theatre events
Focused is the social landscape – this exhibit attempts to show the touch of human hands on the landscape. I endeavour to create photographs that capture the dramatic simplicity of the landscape, with their geometric arrangement of shapes and lines.
ArtSpring’s lobby walls are perfect to exhibit a format I don’t often get a chance to show…the panoramic. Some of these panos are cropped from a single frame, usually shot with a wide-angle lens. Others are stitched together from multiple exposures.
My photos are widely exhibited in BC, making multiple appearances in the Sooke Fine Art Show, the Salt Spring National Art Prize Parallel Show, PhotoSynthesis, and the Pendulum Gallery – Vancouver, as well as PhotoPlace Gallery – Vermont (online), and Salon am Moritzplatz – Berlin.
I am an award-winning photographer who lives on Salt Spring Island and has been photographing professionally for over 30 years. I also photograph the art and craft of Salt Spring artists for their portfolios.