Critically acclaimed, award-winning Comedy-Monster, RED BASTARD, returns to Salt Spring Island with his scandalous NEW show, LIE WITH ME. A show about LOVE. And LIES. And the LIES we tell about LOVE.
Prepare to be charmed, disarmed, shocked and seduced as Red Bastard exposes the lies we tell our lovers and those bastards who made us lie in the first place! COMPLETE SELL OUT- Edinburgh Fringe 2013, 2014 & 2017
5 STARS! Perfectly Crafted… A bacchanal buffet of frank admissions and delicious guilt. -Broadway Baby
5 STARS! Hilarious and beautifully written… a tantalizing experience. -Edinburgh Festivals Magazine
Not only clever and topical, but deeply important… Extraordinarily suspenseful throughout… a pure pleasure to watch.- The Skinny
The show to see… Never to be forgotten… Utterly compelling, spell binding, breathtaking…even tender. A full standing ovation from the deliriously happy packed room. -Scotsman
For Mature Audiences.