Photosynthesis Dazzles Again at ArtSpring
Opening Reception
Wednesday, August 22nd 5:00pm – 7:30pm
For the 18th consecutive year, the Photosynthesis show will provide Salt Spring Island with a look at what some of our top photographic talents are producing.
Photosynthesis is a group of accomplished Salt Spring Island photographers founded in 1995. Membership has fluctuated over the years but it currently comprises 16 photographers, chosen for the quality and originality of their work.
This year, twenty-one photographers will fill the walls of the ArtSpring Gallery. Four new photographers have been invited to participate in the show. The group has also selected and sponsored a student photographer from GISS.
Participants in Photosynthesis2018 include Alane Lalonde, Shari Macdonald, Christina Heinemann, Diana Hayes, Brigit Freybe Bateman, Michael Wall, Avril Kirby, Bernadette Merten-MacAllister, Amy Melious, Larry Melious, Pierre Mineau, Juliana Slomka, Timmy Gibbons, Judy McPhee, Jana Zachariou, and Sam Lightman. Four new guest photographers are Susan Huber, Doug McMillin, Wendy Rosier and Devin Sivyer with guest student, Alexander Ross-Collins from GISS.
The opening reception is on August 22nd from 5 – 7:30 pm at ArtSpring. The show runs daily from August 23rd until September 4th with at least one photographer in attendance at all times to meet visitors and discuss the group’s works.
Artspring Gallery is open 10-4 daily. For more information about Photosynthesis 2018, go to