More than 1 in 10 Canadians will experience a serious depression in the course of their lives. On May 20 the Salt Spring Forum will host a conversation about a mental illness that affects many of us, but is rarely talked about.
For twenty years, Jan Wong had been one of the Globe and Mail’s best-known reporters. Then one day she turned in a story that set off a firestorm of controversy, including death threats, a unanimous denunciation by Parliament and a rebuke by her own newspaper. For the first time in her professional life, Wong fell into a severe clinical depression. Yet she resisted the diagnosis, refusing to believe she had a mental illness. As it turned out, so did her company and insurer. Her new book Out of the Blue tells the story of her workplace-caused depression, her redemption, recovery, and yes, happiness.
On Sunday, May 20 at 7:30pm please join Jan Wong for a community discussion about depression that delves into how the illness impacts friendships, families, and workplaces – and how it is dealt with in our society.