Join Martha Carter (of Marta Marta Productions) for a dance workshop that combines her experiences as a choreographer, yoga teacher and scoliosis specialist to share gentle spine-based yoga and dance sequences that bring awareness, alignment, length and strength to the whole body. Using music for rhythm and flow, the class starts on the floor and moves into space to finish with dynamic freestyle dancing.
From Vancouver Canada, Martha directs her own performance company Marta Marta Productions, and is the founder of T.O.P.S.: The Twisted Outreach Project for Backcare and Scoliosis, a community service that provides creative approaches to bodywork. A certified Yoga Teacher, she holds a BA in Music, an MFA in Dance, and teaches both ‘dance’ and ‘Stretch for Scoliosis’ in Vancouver and beyond.
Marta Marta Productions gratefully acknowledges support from Deux Mille Foundation, Hamber Foundation, Vancouver Foundation, and the City of Vancouver.