League 181, consisting of artists Don Hodgins, Peter Eyles, Herb Otto, Cary Ennis, Milan Stevulak, Wendy Wickland, Mel Williamson and Judith Borbas, is highlighting paintings in the ArtSpring lobby for the month of December. They have found that working as a group invites support and inspiration as they explore favourite subjects and also new and previously unexplored projects.
The artists invite you to come and see their various personal interpretations of plein air vistas, still life, shared images, and reflections on iconic images from an historical time period. It is the artists’ hope that their interpretations will evoke engagement and comment also on the part of their viewers.
*Please note the exhibit is open on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and when the building is open for performances.