Sat Feb 15 | 7:30pm | Playing to rave audience reviews, Heirlooms and Baggage from Vancouver-based theatre company Delta Stageworks features a collection of compelling real-life stories of five culturally diverse mothers’ journeys. Unique and universal life moments from their lives are knit together with personal discoveries as made by their storytellers — their grown children.
The show involves the personal life stories of the actors/collaborators’ own mothers, with their triumphs and tribulations, told in a devised-theatre storytelling technique that combines group movement, spoken text, and images. Transformational, thought-provoking, and funny, this is theatre that will capture your heart and make you want to discover more about your own mother’s life story!
Actor/writers Camryn Chew | Peg Christopherson | Renee Iaci | Ragini Kapil | Eric Keenleyside
Thank you to Susan Higginbotham and Lenore Pickering for sponsoring this event.