The Gulf Islands School of Performing Arts (GISPA) presents Sogno di Volo. This show is inspired by the work of Leonardo Da Vinci and other great artists, and explores the themes of flight, dreams and inspiration. Sogno di Volo follows its protagonist, Daedela, as she struggles to create her dreams and fulfill her passions in a patriarchal world.
From the streets of Renaissance Italy, Daedela enters the workshop of famous Signore Verocchio, where she is offered a chance to prove her worth as a young artist. She struggles to voice her own heartfelt message from within a world of deceit and betrayal.
Mirroring her dreams and desires is Jean, another young aspiring artist living in modern-day Paris. He dreams of attending art school despite society’s expectations. He seeks his independence by embarking on his own journey.
Sogno di Volo embodies the important message of standing up for your dreams and having the courage to achieve them despite difficult circumstances. It boasts creativity and innovation as the music, the choreography and the script itself are created entirely by students. Sogno di Volo is not to be missed!