ArtSpring newsletter May 3, 2021
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Dear Friends,
Our hope is that folks are enjoying the pieces we send out through the newsletter. We are so grateful for the feedback we receive. Nice to know we are connecting.

Photo credit Akhila Katuri
The Salt Spring COVID-19 immunization clinic is being held in the ArtSpring galleries, April 7 to September 15. Entrance is via the rear parking lot only.
To book your vaccination appointment you can use BC’s new online registration system, or you can ring the provincial call centre 1.833.838.2323. Visit the Island Health vaccine site for more information.
Please do not contact ArtSpring as we are unable to help with vaccine clinic inquiries.
The BC Provincial Health Order of November 19 restricting events continues until further notice. We look forward to welcoming you back when we are able.
With thanks,
Cicela Månsson
Executive & Artistic Director, ArtSpring
At ArtSpring

Treasure Fair 2021 – call for donations
Please contact ArtSpring if you have something special to donate. Furniture, household items, sport and hobby goods, gift certificates, adventures, services, and more. Thank you! And don’t forget this year’s events are online only:
silent auction – Wed July 14 – Sun July 18 | live auction – Sat July 17

Makana Youth Choir
The Makana Youth Choir directed by Caroni Young continues from last year. The new session started on February 5. Thank you so much to this season’s sponsors of the program: Joan Farlinger, Galleons Lap Photography, The Lost Chords, and Viva Chorale. more>

We were sorry to hear that Thrifty Foods is discontinuing its Smile Card program in its current form. Thrifty’s has been a wonderful supporter to ArtSpring and Smile Cards made it really easy for our patrons to help with our fundraising. The program runs until June 15, so please continue to top up your card until then. After that date we’re able to apply for other community support programs. And let us know if you need a Smile Card – we’ll put one in the mail for you.
Interesting Links
Joseph Dandurand – poet
ArtSpring was to have presented Axis Theatre’s piece Th’owxiya: The Hungry Feast Dish. Plans are afoot for the Fall of 2022. In the meantime the author of that piece, Joseph Dandurand, has been shortlisted for the 2021 Griffin Poetry Prize. Here is Stir’s article on the poet and a reading by the artist. stir article>
CAPACOA – Connections Project
The Canadian Association for the Performing Arts (CAPACOA) is the national leader of Canada’s touring and presenting communities. Since its founding in 1985, CAPACOA has fostered and developed a pan-Canadian network for presenters, presenting networks, artist managers/agents and performing arts administrators.
CAPACOA continues to release its weekly video series Connections, featuring artists from around the world sharing their practice, inspiration, vision, and lockdown activities. This is the sixth of eight videos which become available between March 25 and May 13, 2021 more>
GISS Dance
GISS Dance has been busy creating new works of choreography and would like to offer them to friends, families and supporters. Normally they work at ArtSpring twice per year and they are so missing the lights, the adrenaline, the community, the applause, the electricity! To keep the connection with you they have created a video of their dance choreography. For their ArtSpring audience, they are pleased to show you what they’ve been up to.
To view the work, please send an email to GISS Dance teacher Sonia Langer at and she will send you a link to the unlisted YouTube Playlist.

Photo Credit: Chloe Haigh. Three GISS Dancers perform at Beddis Beach to record their choreography on video. This dance piece is entitled ‘A Sky Full of Stars’, choreographed by international student Anna Hanmann, performed by S. Cowan, T. Pongratz, L. Ashford.
The Pandemic Limerick Project book
Limericks In The Time of COVID. Available through ArtSpring and at Salt Spring Books. Every limerick submitted to the contest in the summer of 2020 is included, plus cartoons and illustrations by Jim Dickinson, Susan Benson and Michael Whitfield. more>
ArtSpring acknowledges the unceded territory and the ancestors of Salt Spring Island, the Coast Salish First Nations peoples of Salt Spring and surrounding areas, who continue to use and steward these lands. We at ArtSpring wish to pay respect to the Elders of this land, past and present.