ArtSpring Newsletter January 18, 2021
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful and restful holiday.
You may have had your fill of Messiah but I’ve had two recommendations for this wonderful Canadian filmed Messiah project called Messiah/Complex. It is a co-production between Against the Grain Theatre and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and is being offered free on YouTube until the end of the month. As I listened and watched, each piece had new relevance because of how this piece was being presented. I hope that if you take the time to watch the video below you will find as it as incredibly moving and artful as I did.
So the fruit cake trials are over. They were smashing, if I do say so myself. I’m moving on to a new experience with the classic French Madeleines. An old High School friend sent me this recipe by David Lebovitz. It looks a bit daunting, but I’m always up for a challenge. I’ll let you know how it goes!

The BC Provincial Health Order of November 19 has been extended. Unfortunately this means that ArtSpring will be closed to the public until at least February 5, 2021. Our Makana Youth Choir is able to continue under the current order.
The results of the raffle are in, our congratulations to:
Grand Prize winner Debbi Toole, and Second Prize winner Robert Lysay.
With thanks,
Cicela Månsson
Executive & Artistic Director, ArtSpring
At ArtSpring
Makana Youth Choir
The Makana Youth Choir directed by Caroni Young continues from last year. A new session starts on February 5.
Register by calling the Box Office at 250.537.2102 or emailing
Financial assistance is available upon request. more>
Interesting Articles
Against the Grain Theatre and Toronto Symphony Orchestra present Messiah/Complex.
Read the New York Times article.
Watch the video from below.
The Pandemic Limerick Project book
Still available at Salt Spring Books and through ArtSpring. more>

Thank you to everyone who donated, we are so very grateful! Each donation goes a step towards keeping ArtSpring going. If you haven’t donated yet there is still time, there are many ways to give including monthly. If you would like help setting up monthly donations please give us a call (250.537.2125) or donate now.
ArtSpring Presents 2020-2021
It has been a wild ride and we are grateful to be back doing what we do.
Please see the complete season listing.