Development Manager Says Goodbye
ArtSpring bids farewell to Christie Roome, our intrepid Development Manager who’s seen us through two successful Treasure Fairs, and a myriad of other projects. We wish Christie all the best as she forges ahead with her writing career!
Here are Christie’s parting words:
“It is with both excitement and sorrow that I bid farewell to the staff and my volunteers at ArtSpring.
“I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be part of the ArtSpring team. It has brought more joy and meaning to my life than I could have every wished. I have so much respect for the staff – Cicela, Meghan, Danielle, Jane, Marv, Kevin and Morgaine – and I will miss working with them. And, I will miss all of my volunteers tremendously. They have brought much laughter, joy and friendship to my life.
“I originally moved to Salt Spring with my family two years ago to build my career as an artist and author. After a very inspired meeting with my writing group last month, I feel that I must return to writing and illustrating my books.
“While I am leaving, this is not goodbye. I will surely reach out to volunteer.
“Thank you to each and every one of you for making my ArtSpring experience a phenomenal one that has touched each member of my family.”
– Christie