The Pot and the Kettle

GeorgeI once read an In Memoriam piece in a newspaper that contained the following somewhat absurd phrase: Our never to be forgotten times together will long be remembered.

I have been trotting the phrase out for years to make people laugh at just how trite and vapid badly written language can be.

And now, good grief, I have just re-read the copy I myself wrote (obviously without sufficient care) for ArtSpring’s summer brochure. Here is how the entry for Jayme Stone’s July 23rd concert describes what’s in store for the audience: An unforgettable evening of sounds you’ll not soon forget.

How could this have happened?

The lesson is either that I should be more tolerant of other people’s infelicities as writers, or that I should stick my head in a bucket of water.

Regardless, yes, the concert will be terrific and, no, you’re not likely to forget it.

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